Saturday, March 29, 2008

Gobal Warming (NOT)

This is not trick photograhpy. I am not reposting the same pictures. This is the third day in a row of snow this week and it will continue at least until Monday April Fools Day.

Coeur d' Alene has demolished the record snowfall for a winter since they started keeping records in 1890. The previous largest snowfall was the winter of 1915-16 when they had 124.3 inches. With this snowstorm today Coeur d' Alene is now over 150 inches. That is in town, not on the slopes.

The Russians are predicting a new little ice age. I think I'm in that camp. I think Mexico is the answer for the dark months. Dr. Lamm and his family left for the Grand Mayan PV today. Great timing. I wanted to try out my new driver on Wednesday, but it was snowing and I ended up with a colonoscopy instead. Go figure.


Anonymous said...
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DaNae said...

Glad I'm not in the 509. It is in the 50's here.

Dave said...

You're right. Global warming is a total hoax. Thank Gore and the libs for that. Your snowfall in March is probably more than you normally have all year.

Danielle said...

Poor Pepper & OC!

Denton said...

Did you tell your doc to put his fingers on a diet