Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandma

Sunday was Debbie's birthday. We spent most of the day waiting for Danny and Danielle and Rosabelle to get home from the hospital. They thought she might be jaundiced, but her bilirubin was okay. They take her into the pediatrician to recheck it today.

We barbecued steaks and had cheesecake, Mom's favorite, for dessert. The we opened all the cards and presents from the family. It was very nice.

It's Monday now and I'm heading back to Spokane this afternoon. Mom is here to help with the baby for another week. She is just a cutie.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Rosabelle One Day Old

Litte Rosabelle is such a sweetie. She has been so good for the new parents. You do have to be patient with new parents. I watched as they tried to dress her in a long sleeved shirt that drownd her. Then it took 6 hands to swaddle her. She looked like a little papoose when they finished with her. She loves to be held by everybody and already is partial to the green binky.

She is coming home tomorrow. Will post new pictures and Mom's big birthday bash.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Hello Rosabelle Jo

It was a long night for Danielle and Danny. They text Debbie at 3:30am that she was dilated to 8cm. Then they call just after 4am that she was fully dilated. We got there at 4:30am and they were just going to put her up in position to push. Mom stayed in to help while I went to the lobby to nap.

Dr. Chan came in a 6:30am and she was born at 6;33. She had aspirated some meconeum, so the suctioned here and gave her percussion therapy and suctioned some more until she was breathing clearly. She is a beautiful, perfect little girl. Roseabell Jo Dunlap. Welcome to the family.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Waiting For Baby D

Today was Danielle's due date and she went into the hospital this morning to be induced. Not much happened until 9am. They put in a cervical dilator to help soften the cervix. They left that in place until 9pm when she was 90% effaced, but still only dilated to 1cm. So about 9:30pm they started her on the pitocin. When we left over an hour later she was getting some contractions and they were perking up. She still hadn't had her epidural. The nurse said she probably still won't have the baby until morning. We left to go to bed and Danny is staying there with her.

She is doing very well. We love her tons. Can't wait to see baby girl Dunlap. Nine letters to her name. Three syllables. An older name. Still a mystery to all but the Danny's.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there. Especially to the fathers of my little grandchildren. It was quiet around here today with Debbie at Danielle's on baby watch. I did enjoy dinner at Dori's and opening presents there. Then we watched Tiger make his open comeback for the playoff.

I enjoyed every ones presents, even used a few already.

Gavin gave me La Tenga Moya wrapped up for fathers day. I brought it home and it escaped, and attacked Pepper. Luckily Pepper is brave and caught that snake in the grass. Mexico will be safe next time we go.

I love you all. Dad

Friday, June 6, 2008

A Day at the Zoo

While we were in Chicago we went to Linkon Park (really Lincoln Park). It is a big area where the Chicago Zoo is. It was a beautiful warm day and we took some pictures of the animals. I told Derek I put some on the blog.

They also had a conservatory there with thousands of beautiful flowers. I tried to shoot a few of them. They were easier to get close to than the lions.
All in all we had a fun trip to see Derek and Edon in the big city.