Monday, April 6, 2009

Sunny in Puerto Penasco

We/re Having fun in Mexico. Today was a nice day, in the high 70’s. The boys played golf on the Peninsula de Cortes course here at the Mayan Palace. There are 100 sand traps and one lake. Plus if you hit off of the fairways, the rough is like one big sand trap. There is also on lake. I hit two in the lake off the tee, and Drew hit three in the water and took a 12 on the hole.

The kids have had lots of fun in the water. The indoor pool was hot today and the kids loved it. The outdoor pools are cold. The beach is huge. Tonight we watched the sunset and walked all the way out thru the tidal basins. We found starfish and conch shells.

It has been fun and I'll post more with other pictures later.


Dianna said...

Thanks for taking care of Flat Stanley for us. I'm sure he loved walking the beach with Ella. Sounds like everyone is having fun.

Danielle said...

Sounds like you guys are having fun with those cute babies!