Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Growin' Me a Coonskin Cap

I told all the grand kids we had raccoons come and eat the cat food. The other night Danielle, DaNae, Mom and I were all in the hot tub when the raccoons came out. They came in by the pool and then climbed right over the gate. There were five of them. They then got in the little police car, and then crossed high in the rocks and down under the deck. Mom was getting nervous so she armed herself with the top of the hose bin like a shield. However they failed to attack us.

Tonight they came to eat again, four this time. When they get a little bigger I think its time for a coon hunt and skin them for my cap. What do you think. Shoot them, scare them, or feed them.


DaNae said...

I miss those little bandits! Too bad you couldnt get a shot of them mobbin the police car.

Dorianne said...

See, I told you strange things live under your deck!

Dave and Tara said...

That is crazy- I would be nervous too- Ashley says scare em!!

Danielle said...

Awesome wildlife footage! How could you shoot those cute little robbers?

Dave said...

It's like National Geographic at your house. Too bad we missed the coons, the kids would've loved to see that. I say skin'em and give Gavin a new pirate's mask.

Denton said...

I say you make Gavin a coonskin coin pouch and a hat for you. The 22 upstairs should do fine for the job if you take the screen off of one of DaNae's rooms for a high perch.