Thursday, July 10, 2008

Firestorm Spokane Valley

As I was driving home tonight about 5:30 pm, I saw a big column of smoke. I came home the back way because our 22nd hill is torn up to repair sewer and repave. As I got to the top of our hill I saw that the fire was over in the dishman hills area. We drove to Costco and you could see the whole hillside was on fire and huge clouds of smoke. We drove home up Argonne and 32nd and saw people with sprinklers on their roofs and watering down their trees. They did a manditory evacuation from Sprague to 48th Ave. and from Park Road to University.

Watching from our bedroom window now that it is dark you can see the dishman hills all ablaze with fire. We have a great view from our window. I tried to take pictures, but it was too dark and far away.

Luckily it isn't on our hill. They broke our main water line this morning and the whole hill is without water. Thank goodness for our storage, plus they have water trucks filling up containers for people on the hill. Overall and exciting day.


Danielle said...

Crazy! I just saw the fires on CNN.

Dave said...

Were you scared at any time.