Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there. Especially to the fathers of my little grandchildren. It was quiet around here today with Debbie at Danielle's on baby watch. I did enjoy dinner at Dori's and opening presents there. Then we watched Tiger make his open comeback for the playoff.

I enjoyed every ones presents, even used a few already.

Gavin gave me La Tenga Moya wrapped up for fathers day. I brought it home and it escaped, and attacked Pepper. Luckily Pepper is brave and caught that snake in the grass. Mexico will be safe next time we go.

I love you all. Dad


DaNae said...

Glad the Mayan will be safe next time. i liked the artistic pictures of moya and Pep!! You are one crazy dad!

Dorianne said...

I am glad that you are finding ways to keep busy with the Warden being out of town and all!

Danielle said...

Good thing Pepper is such a fierce hunter! We are looking forward to seeing you this week...hopefully w'll have a baby by then!

Deborah said...

You are so funny. Can't wait to see you on Thurs. Have A GREAT WEEK.LOL