Thursday, May 8, 2008

Last Weekend in SLC

I was in Salt Lake with Mom last weekend for Gordon's graduation from the University of Phoenix. It was a fun weekend with the graduation and the family dinners on Saturday and Sunday.

Friday, David, Ben and I played golf and I beat David by 3 strokes. Saturday was the graduation and dinner at the Thompsons. Sunday we took Ella, Grace and Gavin on trax, then went to dinner at David's. Monday, Dori and the kids and I drove back to Spokane. The kids were great and the long ride went well.

Here is an assortment of the many pictures. Sorry I couldn't show more.


Dorianne said...

This is a great recap of the weekend. We had a fun time in SLC. Thanks for driving back with me and the kids!

Danielle said...

The new camera takes awesome pics!

Dave said...

I just thought the same thing about your new camera. Look at the pic with Ash and Meg in the background. They both seem to be focused.